Texas abortion law, right to choose and right to continued employment while pregnant
By Jack Tuckner, Esq.
The United States Supreme court’s recent decision allowing the state of Texas to ban all abortions after six weeks of pregnancy, is a constitutionally invalid, discriminatory law that will greatly affect women and hurt women, particularly poor and minority women, due to the sex-based imposition on them, precluding them from controlling their own bodies.
It is essential to women’s equality with men, that she be the decision-maker, that her choice be controlling. If you impose restraints that impede her choice, you’re disadvantaging her because of her sex. That wasn’t me, that was Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the late great Supreme Court Justice.
We at this law firm Tuckner Sipser, are pro-choice, pro-feminist and pro-women’s right to choose. We are employee rights lawyers who also believe in a woman’s right to get pregnant, stay pregnant, and bear a child, even if her employer isn’t happy that she’s doing so, or even if that employer does not wish to be flexible with regard to that pregnant employee’s known [pregnancy] limitations, or even if that employer doesn’t wish to provide full maternity leave to recover from bearing a child, bonding with a child, and getting healthy enough to return to work. That’s the employer’s obligation.
A woman has a right in these United States to get pregnant, remain pregnant and working at the same time, take a maternity leave, and come back to work without harassment, discrimination, or loss of that employment.
If you or someone you love is being treated differently, harassed or discriminated against in the workplace due to their choice to bear a child, please feel free to contact this women’s rights in the workplace law firm, Tuckner, Sipser, Weinstock & Sipser, and we’ll arrange for a free and confidential case evaluation to empower and assist you in holding your employer accountable to the pregnancy discrimination laws that protect you.
And even after you returned from maternity leave, you’re entitled to protection under these same laws for lactation issues, which is a pregnancy-related medical condition [lactation, that is].
And your employer must provide you with regular breaks in a private, lockable, non-bathroom space in order to express milk, and without any negative consequences, no harassment, no discrimination, no threats, and certainly not a termination based on these pregnancy-related protected issues.
Again, this is Jack Tuckner, a women’s rights attorney based in New York. We stand by your right to choose, and your right to workplace equality, free from all sex-based harassment and discrimination.